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Also tending to depart from the main, point or cover a wide range of subjects. Discursive, can also be used to describe an argument based on, reason instead of intuition, a writing that is well-argued, and well reasoned. The adjective, discursive is often used to describe a speech or writing, that tends to stray from the main point, but the word, can also have almost the opposite meaning. The art of attempting, a comprehension can be easily developed by regular, practice.,, 1.2,, , DISCURSIVE PASSAGES,, A passage where the writer rambles from topic to topic, is called a discursive piece of writing. A reader would be able, to comprehend only when he has completely grasped, the content, the theme of the text, has understood what, is asked through the questions. The questions helps to prove how well the, reader has understood the text. It enables the reader to understand the, content of the given passage and answer the questions, that follow. It is an exercise which, aims at improving or testing one’s ability to understand, a language. Underline the portions where the probable answers, may be available.,, 1.3,, CHAPTER 1,, INTRODUCTION,, Comprehension means the ability to read text, process, it and understand its meaning.

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Read the questions and try to know what has been, asked., 4. Read the passage again and underline the important, points., 3. Read the passage quickly to have some general idea, of the subject matter., 2.


Chapter 1 : Discursive Passages,, For Term 2 Exam use only question Bank of, published by NODIA PRESS because every school, make internal exam and preboard papers from these question bank., Every school and all teachers has PDF of these question bank., So they use these PDF for all internal exam and preboard exam.,, 1.1,, Discursive Passages, PASSAGE 1, 1.,, 2.,, 3.,, POINTS TO REMEMBER,, One should keep the following points in mind before, answering the questions set on a given unseen passage:, 1.

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